Sunday, October 20, 2019

Changes Happening.

Want to hear about my introduction to Christianity? A lot of people have missed out on connecting with God through Bible study and prayer but I have found that many do like to hear how others found that connection, so here goes. Stay with me for an interesting story.

I mentioned earlier that I smoked heavily when I reached Gympie. It was during winter, 1982, the year after I arrived in Gympie and just after I had started my weekly cartoon on current local affairs for the Gympie Times, that I came down with the 'flu.  It sent me to bed for a week to recover. I did not even feel like inhaling on a cigarette! My workmate, Joy, was an angel who brought around fresh orange juice daily ("to flush out the toxins", she said). I had never met anyone kinder in my life! It caused me to ponder why and I guess it got me thinking about a bigger picture of life than I had been immersed in to that point. Anyhow, by the time the week was over, my 'flu symptoms had become nicotene withdrawal symptoms and then both had evaporated. It was miraculous! I found myself with no craving for, nor even interest in, cigarettes. I have never had the need ever since, so have not smoked since then. My food started tasting better, too. It was not that much longer after that when my "grey colour" (Joy's quote) started to change to a normal skin tone.

Of course, the inevitable happened - I began eating more since food now tasted better! That led in a very short time to my being over weight, despite my walking a couple of kilometres to work and back each day. Joy took the opportunity to advise me to join a weight-loss program being run by her church pastor, which I did. It opened my mind to the subject of Nutrition and started me on plant-based foods, the source of real nutrition. Within a short time of substituting pies and sandwiches with fruit and veges and adopting a routine of healthful meals, I lost the extra weight I had gained and I felt great! Appreciation for the pastor's knowledge and application convinced me he may have been able to explain the bible to me as well, so I arranged for him to visit weekly and study that book with him.

Wow! Talk about taking positive steps! Within the first three weeks, Pastor Maurice Woods revealed Jesus Christ as the focus of the bible and His relevance to my life. It was an overwhelming revelation and the start of a life-changing transformation of not only my lifestyle but my character. I will be eternally grateful to Jesus for dying in my place and demonstrating His power to resurrect me from death, just as He did, himself. I will be His follower and friend forever, viewing this earthly life in a new perspective - as a poor substitute for the life He originally intended and which He has enabled me to yet achieve - salvation by His grace alone- to eventually experience that new life He intended for all of us. I will also be eternally grateful to Joy and her (our) pastor for their roles in starting my Christian education. 

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