Sunday, June 16, 2019

JOHN RYAN and Panel By Panel. 1978

In 1977 or '78, working towards a full-time career in cartooning, I placed an ad looking for a gag writer in the Australian Journalists' magazine ("of all places," Someone quipped). Ideas were my great challenge at that point. 
As a result of that press ad, a couple of contacts with writers were made. Although not resulting in publication of any joint efforts, both of them provided development of my drawing skills!  
Sol Shifrin, syndicate owner, was engaged by us, the writers and me, in 1979 to interest some Australian newspapers in a series of single panel gags, "The Punter's Glossary" and, in 1980, a daily and weekly strip, "Slattery Creek," both to no avail. Forthcoming posts will provide samples and background on both of those projects and their fate.
Another person who responded to that ad was John Ryan, author of  "Panel by Panel - an illustrated history of Australian comics."  John was not offering to provide ideas but offered encouragement to a newcomer to the pro comics field. His book was with the publisher and had not yet been distributed for sale. I also accepted John's invitation to see his comics collection - very impressive and inspiring. 
He thought enough of my work to commission a caricature of himself in the act of typing, for the intro and flyleaf of his book. I treasure my copy of his book, complete with my sketch. It was a sad day when I learned of John's death only days after his book was published. 
Have you noticed in your own life how your own career's development has been influenced by people drawn into your life? John Ryan was another significant one of those in my case.

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