Thursday, March 28, 2019

Brisbane State High School 1951- 1952

         BRISBANE STATE HIGH SCHOOL  1951-1953
As a student in  ART  and GEOMETRICAL DRAWING, I completed the two years to"Junior University" examination. The following pieces were my assignments of that period:

At Brisbane State High School in 1951/2, boys and girls were segregated except in some classes, including Art and Geometrical Drawing. It was in these classes that I became aware of a tall blonde girl named Joy Hedges. I saw nothing of her artwork and had no contact beyond the classes, greeting her only once outside class during my entire 2 years there. She invited me and a few other boys and girls from the class to her 16th birthday party in our second year. None of us boys responded to her invitation, such was our low interest in the girls and our despicable manners.  I cannot say I was attracted to her then but I was to meet her again, later in life, with a different attitude. More on that in a later post. 

Windy Weather

Off To Camp

Untitled- Won the school magazine prize for this one.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Looking back.....

2019 is under way. Times have changed. Positioning at age 83 for a useful but relaxing retirement is taking shape. Yes, I will continue to sketch and paint but let's also take a look at past fun times.

To do that, I have started pages on my Blog for each of my significant past projects and will add pages for the new as they materialise.

The idea is to post (or re-post) my cartoons, strips, illustrations and caricatures for which I have original art or copies or photos. Today's technology permits the museum of my contributions to be available everywhere and now. Call it vanity if you will but I like to think they and their stories may be of interest.

Here is the first to hand (Please note that all my work is copyright and may not be reproduced in any form without the written and signed permission of myself or my heirs. I am sure you will agree that it is only fair):

   I started my LIVE caricaturing at Aussie World in November, 1989, when it had the name, Ettamogah Pub. "Gals so glamorous, Children so cute, Guys so............."   When people are happy to pay you for drawing your impression of them, the experience is addictive. I got better at sizing and added teeth and shading as the addiction took hold. No phone cameras in that day, so not many photos and definitely no social media. It was a year before I bought a laptop and started my first website (the latter long gone with my first hard drive).